Saturday, July 18, 2009


This is Africa???

When you look at a map of Africa, it is very obvious that Lesotho is located in Southern Africa and is completely surrounded by South Africa. It is the only country in the world that has that distinction. What is not obvious on the map is that Lesotho is the coldest country in Africa. On a recent trip to visit the village of Semongkong, we failed to get through due to the snow on one of the mountain passes.
While we enjoyed the beauty of the snow and ice on the mountains and on the village huts, our thoughts were also on the people that live in the mountains. Winter is hard for the Basotho people living in the mountains. Their day is spent trying to keep warm. There is no heating system in the huts and houses and there is no wood to burn for fire. These are some of the people that God has called us to reach. Pray for the work in Lesotho and pray for the mountain people during these cold winter months.

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