Saturday, September 22, 2007


2006, No Students - 2007, 22 Students

Last year this time, Assembly Bible College was closed. The administration had closed the college in January in order to update the program. The college was to open in August, 2006. Well, August came and no students arrived. Letters were sent out and the college opened in January, 2007 with 16 students. Five more students came in August to give a total of 22 students. We praise God for what He is doing. We also thank you because through your monthly contributions, we are able to support the college and and give men and women an opportunity to answer the call of God. The college is offering two programs, one in the local language, Sesotho and the other in English. Pat and I both teach at the college along with three local national teachers.

1. Lesotho is suffering from its worst drought in many years. 600,000 people in the mountains are facing starvation due to the failure of crops. Early rains are needed so that the fields can be planted.
2. Pray that we can find some land for a ministry center that will include a new Bible school.
We have also planted a church in Roma where the National University is located. We need to
find a site by November so that a student center/church can be built.
3. We return to the States in December. Pray for us as we contact pastors and churches in order to book mission services for 2008.
4. Pray for the ongoing work in Lesotho. We are the only missionaries with the Assemblies of God and as we return to the States for deputation, there will be nobody to take our place.
5. Pray for Jenny, our daughter. She graduates from Rhodes University in South Africa and will be going to Scotland as a volunteer to work with a church plant in Edinburgh.

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