Monday, April 02, 2007


30th Church Completed in Lesotho

We have just completed building our 30th church in Lesotho in a place called Mafeteng. This represents the third church in Mafeteng that has been built with the help of the American church. We are very grateful for the financial support of the Assemblies of God churches in America who help us in building these churches. This church was built in 4 weeks by a local builder with the help of people from the church.

Since we will be returning to the States in December for deputation, this should be the last major building project that we will be involved in this year. However, if there is a church out there that would like to send a building team in about September or October, there is a place called Mazenod, just on the outskirts of the capitol city of Maseru where we could do one more project this year. Please feel free to contact us. The project consists of taking an existing house and turning it into a church by adding a steel structure to it. Got any takers?

We continue to appreciate your prayers for us and our work and your the continued financial support. We recently had peaceful elections in Lesotho but the losing parties continue to voice their complaints and threaten to cause trouble. We had this kind of trouble in 1998. At that time the downtown area of Maseru was burned, looted and destroyed. Please pray that peace will continue in the days and weeks to come.

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