December 23, 2006
Dear Family, Friends and Supporters,
Greetings from Lesotho!
We are enjoying a wonderful Lesotho Christmas. We are not worried
about a snow storm coming or if the airport will be closed down. Our
biggest concern is how much sun block to put on while we barbecue
outside and drink ice-tea.
We started our celebration a week ago when the missionary
community came over to our house for caroling and fellowship.
Last year 96 people showed up. This year we had 106 adults
and kids. A great time was had by all.
Jenny is home from university this year. Last Christmas, she
was in Scotland working with a church plant. On Monday, we will
have turkey for lunch and will invite a few people over who are here
by themselves. We hope that less than 106 show up.
We miss being with Christy and the boys in Kansas City and all our
parents in Springfield. We will get to celebrate with all or them
next year.
This has been an incredible busy year and things do not appear to
change for 2007. We have 2 churches to build in the next few months.
We have one year until we return to the States for furlough. We look
forward to that, especially being with family and seeing friends again.
We wish all of you who are readings this a Happy Christmas and
may 2007 brings you many wonderful blessings.
Alan & Pat
Maseru, Lesotho
# posted by Alan and Pat Pettenger @ 1:25 AM