Sunday, February 15, 2009
Pettengers finally back after a long absence!
After a very long absence from this site, we are back. 2008 was spent in the United States traveling form church to church to rasie funds for our work in Lesotho. During the year, we drove almost 50,000 miles and slept in more hotel rooms than we care to remember. We are happy to be back in Lesotho and and we promise to keep this blog up-to-date with current information and prayer requests.
When we left Lesotho in December of 2007, we left behind the university church in Roma that we helped to start. At that time, we were averaging about 70 students. Upon our return, we disocvered that the church has been going well and running almost 100 students each week.
We have spent the last three Sundays, preaching and ministering to the students there. You can see the picture of the students, I just wish you could hear their singing and their worship.
1. For the University Church in Roma. We need to find land to build a student center.
2. For Assembly Bible College. The school just opened and students are returning. Many do not
have funds to pay for their tuition. Pray that God will help them.
3. For Assembly Bible College as we once again lead the college as principal. We are praying for a move of God on the campus as we emphasize the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
4. For our daughter, Jenny who is returning from Edinburgh, Scotland where she was working
while assisting in a church palnt in the city center. She is returning to South Africa to find a
job in journalism and media. She has several interviews next month. Pray for God's will.